Chat GPT hit the internet last November, interest in generative artificial intelligence has exploded. Even an old guy like me has experimented with Chat GPT, trying to use it for several parts of the business processes that I work with in business research & human resources analysis. My results make me realize that parts of processes that used to take hours can be trimmed down to seconds. And, I will admit that I might not be the most creative thinker so maybe my own tests are just scratching the surface of the potential.
In addition to my own experimentation, I talk with those having more expertise in digital technology in industry and also in university settings - computer science / cyber security students at Purdue, management consultants in IT, and I appreciate the reporting & analysis on AI from The Economist.
I'm very eager to use AI to make my work and life easier. I've seen just some of the tremendous potential. And while I do understand some of the fear that "AI is replacing Humans", I find more and more assessments like this one from a McKinsey & Co senior partner in Chicago, "For most generative AI insights, a human must interpret them to have impact. The notion of a human in the loop is critical."
For over a decade, my company had this posted on its website as businesses navigated Y2K, obsolescence of fax machines and squelching modems, Apple/Mac/iPhone's rise from the ashes, emergence of the .Com era, as theories that I had studied in college became reality. That website came down at some point as we moved into the Cloud era and now move on into AI. But, I feel that I need to repost this in homage to the great Peter Drucker:
| Why Talent Selection is the Key to Great Hiring.
Executives want confidence in selecting key executives and leaders for their organizations. Simply put, they want to know they are hiring the right person for the right job.
In 1990, Bill Gates predicted that executives would soon be able to have any information they desired at their finger tips. Today, we have hand held iPhones and Blackberries that really make that possible. Finalist candidates for any position are a Google away (if you know what you're doing).
Furthermore, you can find out so much more about people today prior to meeting them. Information and analysis tools put more research at our finger tips than ever before. And, knowing everything that you can possibly know about candidates for key positions up front really improves the overall quality of the talent pool for a search. A search committee can focus all its attention on the 'quality of the hire'.
So, has the information age improved hiring?
Executives and managers still spend more time on people decisions and managing people than anything else they do. These are the critical decisions that make or break a company and its performance.
Peter F. Drucker, known to many as the father of Management, believed no matter the tools available, people decisions rely on the good or bad judgement of executives and managers. Here from his Harvard Business Review contributions, he lists the basic managerial principles for making people decisions:
•A bad hiring decision is the hiring manager's responsibility, no one else's.
•A manager's reports have the right to competent leadership and performance accountability.
•Managers must make people decisions well because they determine the performance capacity of the organization.
•Do not put "new comers" into major assignments, leave these risks for those whose behavior and habits you know.
From his studies of the greatest leaders of American business, these were the consistent principles followed across varied personal styles and diverse industries.
Drucker's recommended steps for effective staffing and promotion decisions:
1. Think through the assignment.
2. Look at a number of potentially qualified people.
3. Think hard about how to look at these candidates.
4. Discuss each of the candidates with several people who have worked with them.
5. Make sure the appointee understands the job.
To Peter Drucker, sound management and talent selection has its core in using sound judgement to make the best possible decisions.
Regardless of the assignment and tools available to us, we at Career Solutions have and will always follow these steps with the goal to help our clients select the best available talent and to make great hiring decisions.
If we can help your organization, please give us a call.
Steve Fero, President (317) 466-9740 x13
As I review steps 1 - 5 above, I realize that what I've been experimenting with in Chat GPT can't do that. AI can help improve how a Manager makes these decisions. Even if AI gave a Manager a specific answer or choice, then the Manager still has to use judgement to decide if the AI answer is correct or needs clarification.
We still have to assess over a hundred potential candidates just to fill one position. The way we assess them has changed and our responsiveness from candidates to older technologies wanes and changes. But at the end of the day, humans hire humans using the best tools available to make the best possible decisions.
(PS - Don't call that old land line above. Call my cell (317) 502-3361)
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